
Cause and Effect of Narcan Blog

According to The Addiction Centers website, 81.6 percent of reported naloxone reversals involved heroin. Prescription opioids were involved in 14.1 percent of cases. That number has tripled over the past 20 years here in the U.S. Over doses have sky rocketed since "Narcan" has began being administered. While Narcan has saved lives, it has also gave addicts the idea that they are safe to continue using. Among a list of other effects due to the administration of the reversal drug. Nervousness, restfulness, body aches, dizziness, fever, chills, and nausea are only some of the effects. (italicized goes with my source)

Any Degree is Worthy

How Liberal Arts Colleges Are Failing America by Scott Gerber Academic leaders are insisting that a four-year liberal arts degree is a worthy investment in every young Americans future. I believe any degree in any area is a worthy investment. This article states that "not all degrees are created equally". Although this may be true considering every degree puts you in a different area of work; I believe all degrees should be equal regardless of the major.  Any good parent, educator, etc. would not be failing anyone by supporting any educational decision a person would make to further their knowledge.  Gerber, S.  (2012). How Liberal Arts Colleges Are Failing America Retrieved from